Dienstag, 2. November 2021

Pfizer first

" Public Citizen has reviewed and published the secret contracts between Pfizer and Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, the European Commission, Peru, the U.S. and the U.K. The contracts reveal nations have handed over unprecedented power to Pfizer, and in virtually all scenarios, Pfizer’s interests come first.....

.....Pfizer also maintains tight control over vaccine supplies, and dictates who can buy their vaccine, when, and who can give and receive vaccine donations. If there are shortages, Pfizer decides which countries get priority.

Bypassing Pfizer can be costly. For example, if Brazil were to accept vaccine donations from another country without Pfizer's approval, the company can terminate the contract and force Brazil to pay the full prize for all remaining contracted doses. Meanwhile, Pfizer incurs no penalty if its delivery is late, even if it's so late that the shots are no longer needed.

Some countries, including Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Peru, also ended up agreeing to Pfizer's demand to put up sovereign assets as collateral for vaccine injury lawsuits, including bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings.

In short, theses governments are guaranteeing Pfizer will be compensated for any expenses resulting from injury lawsuits against it, so the company won't lose a dime if its COVID shot injures people — even if those injuries are the result of negligent company practices, fraud or malice!"

mercola.com / 01.11.2021


Wenn hier alles mit rechten Dingen zugehen würde, gäbe es keinen Grund, solche Verträge zu machen.


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